Welcome to the Monkeyhouse

When you grab a hold of me; Tell me that I'll never be set free; But I'm a parasite, creep and crawl I step into the night.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

100 Things about me...

1. The smell of horses is one of my favorite
2. I’ve never been camping
3. I have no real desire to go
4. but, I like to give my husband shit for not taking me.
5. I’m a closet socialist
6. with a bachelors and a masters in business
7. but, I am able to live with myself anyways.
8. That comes from reading Thomas Jefferson and Karl Marx works.
9. People think that I’m smart
10. and that always shocks me.
11. I can cook anything with a recipe
12. but hate to clean up afterwards.
13. In fact, I hate cleaning period.
14. I’m the kinky freak in my marriage…
15. my friends are just learning this about me…
16. my husband is a prude and it gets worse as we get older.
17. I lead a double-life; people who know me in my volunteer organization have no idea who I am…
18. I can adjust myself to any situation.
19. I read philosophy for fun…currently “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”
20. I think that I am completely insane,
21. but strangely enough the most normal person in my family.
22. I love my family…
23. but am happy that they are 440+ miles away.
24. I’m the youngest of approximately 8 children
25. but, only really talk to three of my siblings.
26. The sweetest person that I’ve ever meant is my son.
27. I will be happy when I’m older…
28. because people have a hard time taking me serious due to my age,
29. so a lot of the time I don’t tell people how old I am when asked.
30. I am a problem solver or doer for most people in my life…family, friends, co-workers, etc…
31. I was born and raised catholic…
32. but don’t think believing in Jesus as the son of god is important
33. but I think that believing in his message is…take care of each other.
34. I am horrible at foreign languages
35. and that played a large part in selecting my major in college.
36. I can train myself to do anything (except speak a foreign language)…
37. examples: I am right handed but mouse left when at work, right at home…
38. I use to sleep on my stomach, but now I sleep on my left side (better during pregnancy)
39. I would sacrifice or do everything and anything for my children.
40. If I’m interested in a topic, I learn everything about it.
41. I’m a great researcher.
42. I have a crazy memory
43. that sometimes freaks people out.
44. I’m still not over the death of my bother-in-law, Michael
45. I don’t think I’ll ever be.
46. He was married to my sister for 25 years.
47. He died on Thanksgiving Day last year.
48. He was the closest thing I had to a brother growing up,
49. because my real brothers suck.
50. I’m afraid of my parents dying,
51. because I know I’ll never recover from that.
52. I listen to NPR all day…
53. I think that makes me a nerd.
54. I love my hair…
55. when it is straight.
56. I think homosexuality makes complete sense
57. and it just so happens I’ve never been attracted to a girl to the point of trying anything.
58. My best friend is a boy,
59. growing up we use to tell people we were cousins so his girlfriend’s didn’t get jealous.
60. We slept in the same bed until college
61. but nothing sexual ever happened.
62. We stopped because he got married, and my then boyfriend, now husband asked me not to.
63. When my best friend found out about my then boyfriend, now husband, he gave me a hunting knife to protect myself incase he got rough.
64. He had just seen “Higher Learning” and got worried, he was also high/drunk at the time.
65. I still have knife…
66. I’ve never used it.
67. When I get nervous I start listing polyatomic ions in my head or sing a song where you list all 50 states to the tune of yankee doodle dandy.
68. The scariest thing I ever done was hold on to the outside of a mini-van while standing on the running board…
69. as it went down the street at 45 mph.
70. I’ve lived a pretty safe life.
71. I’ve never lived alone…
72. but, being alone is one of my favorite things.
73. I don’t have a favorite flower…
74. but I do love flowers in general.
75. I send flowers to my husband at work every year on his birthday.
76. I like to do nice things for other people, usually strangers, and not tell anyone about it.
77. I don’t really believe there is a hell…or if there is its pretty empty.
78. I’m afraid that there isn’t a heaven.
79. I’ve had orgasms while sleeping…the mind is an amazing thing.
80. I think middle-aged men are sexy…
81. I often had crushes on my college professors for that reason.
82. I try practicing temperance…
83. I try not to use my horn or curse while driving.
84. I have a much dirtier mouth on paper then I do in person.
85. I love to sleep… but have trouble getting there.
86. I worry too much…sometimes it gives me nightmares.
87. I think the story “The cat and the coffee drinkers”, that I read as a kid, has some great life lessons.
88. My family thinks too highly of me…
89. I think it because I don’t live close by.
90. I think the phrase “shit or get off the pot” applies to everything…
91. I need to remember to apply it to my life more often.
92. I’m in love with Bradly Nowell, to bad he’s dead.
93. I think that Kurt Vonnegut is the greatest writer ever…
94. and I like going to used book stores looking for his stuff.
95. The thought of having another c-section scares me.
96. In high school I thought dating was a waste of time…
97. I can sometimes be rational to a fault…
98. and have trouble understanding people who don’t think logically (as defined by me).
99. I hate not being in control of a situation.
100. I love to listen to people talk…I find people amazing and what to learn about them.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I loved Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

"Thus may my going over be their going down."

Did you see Kurt Vonnegut on the Daily Show last week by any chance? It was an awesome interview.

What happened to your previous blog?

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Housekeeper said...

I was making changes to the template that I decided to delete and deleted the entire blog instead...one of my finer moments.

I missed the daily show...I was so sad...I love jon stewart and kurt vonngut...I bet it was awesome.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger sugafree9 said...

"34. I am horrible at foreign languages."

- ?Por que?

At 2:31 PM, Blogger sugafree9 said...

"90. I think the phrase “shit or get off the pot” applies to everything…"

I don't see the correlation of marijuana and defecation...

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Cladeedah said...

63. When my best friend found out about my then boyfriend, now husband, he gave me a hunting knife to protect myself incase he got rough.

That's hilarious..

76. I like to do nice things for other people, usually strangers, and not tell anyone about it.

'Cept you just told all of us, so looks like you can't say that anymore. :-)

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Housekeeper said...

Good point on 76...how about I replace it with "I get excited when I get a new phonebook" or "I married the first/only guy I've ever slept with."


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